What do the following things have in common?
Coffee, donuts, pizza, fire pits, hiking trails, labyrinths, nature journals, pies, s’mores, Bibles, soup kitchens, bowling balls, Buddhist singing bowls, card games, and coffee (gotta include that one twice).
If you guessed “They’re all awesome,” “They’re essential for existence,” or “It’s a bunch of random and unrelated, yet really cool stuff,” you’re not wrong. The best answer to this question, however, is that these glorious things were all a part of the first month of LCM Campus Ministry this school year. Add a group of gifted, creative, vibrant, and all around rad students to this list of things and you have something good going.
As the school year progresses even more things will be added. Dancing shoes, gaming consoles, violins, pianos, guitars (come to our Taize services to hear our students make these instruments sing), passports (trip to Costa Rica in May), skis (winter retreat with Emmaus Campus Ministry from University of Montana), creation care books (don’t miss our dinner/fundraiser with author Heather White on October 20!), and yes, more coffee.
With “things” on the brain I am reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 6, “…seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” At the center of all these things is the Christ who brings everything together. At the core of our community is a Spirit who makes these things and these people come alive.
Thank you for your part in making these things and this ministry happen.
Yours in Christ,
JP Carlson, Campus Pastor